Brawlhalla Wiki

The Mallhalla screen in-game.

The Store, or Mallhalla, is where items can be purchased including Skins, Weapon Skins, Emotes, Legends, Colors, and more.

Purchasing[ | ]

Purchases can be made from the Store using Coin Mammoth Mammoth Coins or Coin Gold Gold.

The following types of items can be purchased with either Coin Gold Gold or Coin Mammoth Mammoth Coins:

The following types of items can be purchased only with Coin Mammoth Mammoth Coins:

The following types of items can be purchased only with Coin Gold Gold:

The only section of the store where this is different is the Ranked section, where special Colors, Weapon Skins, Emotes and UI Themes can be purchased with Coin Glory Glory.

Discounts[ | ]

Every Monday and Friday, a new set of discounted items will appear in the Store. Usually this will affect 2 Skins, 2 Weapon Skins, 1 Emote and 1 Sidekick for each rotation. The set of discounted items will be the same for all players, meaning it is possible to already own an item that goes on discount. The discount rotation includes 124 skins.

The following chart shows how item prices are affected by discounts:

Original Price Discounted Price
Coin Mammoth 400 Coin Mammoth 320
Coin Mammoth 300 Coin Mammoth 240
Coin Mammoth 240 Coin Mammoth 180
Coin Mammoth 200 Coin Mammoth 140
Coin Mammoth 140 Coin Mammoth 100
Coin Mammoth 120 Coin Mammoth 90
Coin Mammoth 100 Coin Mammoth 80
Coin Mammoth 80 Coin Mammoth 60
Coin Mammoth 60 Coin Mammoth 40
Coin Mammoth 40 Coin Mammoth 30
Coin Mammoth 35 Coin Mammoth 30
Coin Mammoth 30 Coin Mammoth 20
Coin Mammoth 20 Coin Mammoth 15

In unique cases the number of discounted items and how long they last may change, such as during the Brawl-d Lang Syne mini-event.

Refunds[ | ]

After purchasing any item from Mallhalla, a full refund is available on request for 90 days after the initial purchase. Every player is entitled to a maximum of 3 refunds. After the player has refunded 3 purchases, the available refunds will never replenish and no more refunds can be made.

Refunds are not available for DLC purchases or code redemptions on any platform.

Redeem Code[ | ]

Code Example

Example of a store code.

The Redeem Code section of the Store allows players to enter codes they've earned to unlock items. These codes are 12-digit long series of numbers and letters, and are typically given out externally, such as through Viewership Rewards, Prime Gaming Bundles, Promos, and other giveaways.

The Redeem Code section is available on all platforms except iOS, due to issues with Apple's terms of service.

There are four possible error codes when attempting to enter a code:

  • "Invalid Code" - the entered code does not exist.
  • "Code already redeemed" - someone else has already used the entered code.
  • "Item already owned" - the entered code still works, but isn't used since you already own the item.
  • "Bad format (Don't redeem Steam Keys here)" - the entered code is not properly formatted.
    • Proper format is AAAAAA-BBBBBB or AAAAAABBBBBB (non-case sensitive)